Tuesday, February 11, 2025
E-File Login
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Under penalty of perjury I certify to have been granted access by my current employer to access the eFile Access portal of Preferred Compliance Solutions, Inc. I further acknowledge that at their discretion and without further notice, Preferred Compliance Solutions, Inc. may use services that will monitor illegal access to the eFile Access. At any given time they may use a combination of people and automated systems to spot illegal and inappropriate access. By accessing this site I authorize the host or its associates to collect the IP addresses, name, login user name, company name, email address, and any other available information without further notice. I understand, that unauthorized use of any information contained in this web-site, access by an unauthorized individual, or exceeding authorized access is computer fraud and a violation of federal law (18 USC 1030). I hereby expressly consent to computer activity monitoring and that all unauthorized use will be reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigations.